These algorithms are not applied in the real deployment of the WSN ,because the sensing capabilities of networked sensors are affected by environment factors.Firstly, this paper introduces the basic principle and the research status worldwide of WSN briefly, captures the coverage control problem of WSN, proposes some recent theorise and algorithms, discusses several typical algorithms which are based on the unrealistic environment can not be applied in the real progect; secondly, According to the theoretical approach in wireless channel fading model and the analysis of the experimental data indoors and outdoors coming from the channel fading testing system of the wireless sensor networks, this paper proposes the WSN indoor channel model in the uncertain situation, the various parameters of the channel fading model were obtained and the indoor channel fading model of wireless sensor networks was confirmed. A practical experiment shows that this model is better than the rest in the node location and deployment; finally, this paper establishes the WSN simulation system with the proposed channel model under NS2 platform in the Linux system. The position of the nodes of wireless sensor networks is dynamically adjusted with the simulation system of wireless sensor networks in the indoors environment, the coverage rate of the WSN is increased in the situation which the communication is supported, so that we could obtain the optimum deployment plan which could have the guiding value to the real environment.